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209、Chapter 205 (第1/3页)
作者有话要说: 5月8日: 所以这一章我们还是先来继续高能预警一下吧【咦 本章配乐:仍然是昨天介绍的这首 lana del ray 的 young aiful。 歌词如下: i've seen the world doneall, hadcake now diamonds, brilliant, and bel-air now hot summer nights, mid-july when you and i were forever wild the crazy days, the city lights the way you'd play withlike a child will you still lovewhen i'mlonger young aiful will you still lovewhen i got nothing butag soul i know you will, i know you will i know that you will will you still lovewhen i'mlonger beautiful i've seen the world, litupmy stage now eling angels in, the new age now hot summer days, rod roll the way you'd play forat your show and all the ways i gotknow your pretty fad electric soul dear lord, when i getheaven please letbringman wheellthat you'll let him in father tellif you all that grace, all that body all that face makesarty he'ssun,makesshine like diamonds “假如不是我这么对他说的话,也许阿斯嘉德的防御就不会崩溃,仙宫也不会被黑暗精灵侵入,母亲也不会……” 他的声音猝然中断了。有那么短短的一霎那,他漂亮而深邃的双眼微微瞠大了一点点,就仿佛连他自己也不敢相信为什么会把这么沉重又沉痛的真相告诉给面前这个总是愚蠢而令人厌恶地纠缠着他的傻瓜,他最最痛恨的黑暗精灵的混血儿与种族复兴的希望;他有一丝狼狈地很快撇开了脸,脸上流露出毫不保留的憎恨与厌恶的情绪。 然后他感觉自己按在围栏上,痉挛一般用力握紧那段围栏顶端的左手旁边,忽然有另外一只手――一只五指纤长柔白的手,慢慢地沿着那段围栏伸了过来,接近他因为过度用力而手背上泛起青色血管的左手。 那只美丽的手在他的左手旁边停了下来,似乎犹豫了一下,然后也学着他的动作,靠着他的