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I have to stay in bed. But thanks God I’m feeling much better now. (今天见到邝医生真高兴。外面天气多好啊。真烦人我只能躺在床上。不过感谢上帝我现在好多了。)”
邝医生走近病床,对老太太略微欠身,温和地说:“Good afternoon Mrs. Norman. I’m so gd to hear you are feeling much better today. Looks like our precious Penicillin is w in the right way. (下午好诺曼夫人。我很高兴听你说你觉得好多了。看来我们宝贵的盘尼西林生效了。)”
老太太一眼扫到孝慈了,笑眯眯地说:“Oh Dr. Kuang, you have a handsome young man to introduce to us, don’t you (噢邝医生,你要把一位帅气的年轻人介绍给我们,是吗?)”
邝医生笑笑说:“Yes I do. This is one of our medical students from Saint John’s Uy. He’s here for internship during this school holiday. (是啊。这是圣约翰医学院的一个学生。这个学校假期他在我们这里实习。)”
孝慈礼貌地走上前,对诺曼夫人微微躬身,说到:“Good afternoon Mrs. Norman. My name is Xiaoci Yao. (下午好诺曼夫人。我叫姚孝慈。)”
老太太很高兴:“Good afternoon young man. I call you Xiaoci (下午好年轻人。我可以叫你孝慈吗?)”
孝慈点点头答道:“Sure. (当然可以。)”
邝医生对老太太说:“I think, from tomorrow you try to walk around. Make sure to take a h you. No more than 20 minutes each time. Let’s see how we go. (我想,从明天起你可以试着走动一下。一定要带个护士。一次不要超过二十分钟。我们看看效果再说。)”
老太太有点兴奋了:“That’s the best permission I got tely! I’m pretty sure I won’t fall apart while walking around. (那是我最近得到的最好的许可了!我确信我不会在散步时摔散架的。)”
邝医生附和老太太说:“I’m sure you won’t. (我确信你不会。)”
然后他对护士说:“She’s on Penicillin for 7 days so far. That’s it for the current course. Stop Pe