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情绪管理(9) (第2/4页)
会让她知道,他从来没像在乎她那样在乎过任何其它事情、其他人,他会对她说一句,I care about you. 他会告诉她, 时间并不能治愈一切—— ——但爱,可以。 爱茉尔礼貌地点了点头,摆出个得体的微笑,道了句,Thank you, sir. 最后一课就那样结束了。 § 汤姆慢慢松开了爱茉尔的手,仍旧直视雪径前方。 “Thank you for assisting me with this——” (谢谢你帮我处理这个——),他大概指了指学生们消失的方向,“——this burden, Miss Sayre. And sorry for interrupting your plans.”(——这个负担,瑟尔小姐。很抱歉打乱了你的其它计划。) 爱茉尔摇头说她没有任何计划,换了另一只手拿书。 “I wao thank you, sir, for nominating my o Professor Dumbledore for the Potions research assistantship. I may not have tried to pete with the seventh years otherwise.”(我想感谢您,先生,向邓布利多教授提名我做魔药研究助理的职位。不然的话,我可能不会尝试与七年级的学生竞争。) 里德尔点了点头。 “Of course, the final decision lies with Professor Slughorn. The board will also have to review your files.”(当然,最后的决定权在斯拉格霍恩教授那儿。校董会也得看你的材料。) 他低头看着她,眼中含着鼓励的笑。 “But I don’t think they would want to miss out on such talent.”(但我想他们不会愿意错过如此人才。) 爱茉尔觉得自己脸颊一热,赶紧挪开眼睛,小声说了句谢谢。 里德尔向她伸出那只刚刚还握着她的手,摊开手掌。 “Studying for the qualificatio?”(在为资格考试复习?) 少女赧然,发出咯咯一声笑,空旷的雪地里,如空谷黄莺一般。 “Not studying, sir, learning.”(不是复习,先生,是学习。) 说着,把那本大厚书交到了他手里。 书里都是七年级也不会学的高级魔药。汤姆翻过吐真剂、福灵剂、死亡药水等等,动作在书后面的一页停了下来。 “The effects and uses of the Emerald Potion please, Miss Sayre.”(请告诉我翡翠药水的功效和用途,瑟尔小姐。) 少女闭眼回忆了片刻。 “The Emerald Potion, otherwise known as the Drink of Despair, is a glowing green potion that could not be prated by hand, vanished, parted, scooped up, transfigured, or otherwise made to ge its nature in any way. It could only be drained away by drinking, and even though it isn’t immediately f